Friday, January 20, 2006

" Tissue, Anyone"

I used to wonder why tissue paper has always been white. I couldn't understand why it can't be dark-colored like brown, dark green, navy blue, or my personal favorite, black. Did the tissue gods decided to stick with white as the official color of the only (hopefully) piece of paper a person will entrust to wipe a dirty ass, furniture, appliances, spills etc? What's the significance of a tissue paper's color (or lack of it) to its use? You should be able to take any piece of it and wipe mess with that.

I also couldn't figure out why people have to look at it after they use it. I mean you know that it's gonna be dirty. Experience has thought everyone that if you use something to clean up a mess, it'll also be dirty. Why should a tissue be different?

Then it hit me. A tissue paper's color has use. It's white so that you'll know if it's dirty. It's white so that you wont use it anymore if it's soiled. It wasn't meant to be looked at after use; it's supposed to be checked before doing so.

People are like tissue paper. You need to check people for dirt before you get to know them unless you want to end up wiping your ass with soiled tissue paper. I know that a person's character shines through only when you get to know them, but I firmly believe that a good first impression is enough. Life's a game of hit-or-miss but if you end up accidentally taking a dirty tissue paper, you can always get a fresh one from the roll.


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